Saturday, September 28, 2013

Loot and Smuggling ~ or Why My Bag Weighed So Much

You know what they say about good intentions and I really did try to travel light. I'm usually very good about it, keeping my airborne carbon footprint small. George and I take our one carry on and are the better off for it. But England is so tempting! I can't stop myself from collecting STASH. It's not only bringing the life with me, as part of my body and person, a part of England - like believing taking a photo will take a piece of your soul - but they have such COOL STUFF!

I'm a amateur archaeologist. My eye just goes to things from the past. I love the past, in a romanticized way of course. Who wants to eat offal, stink, die at 35 or be over run by Goths - though currently historians are rethinking how horrible the Vikings were. Anyway.... I was amazed that simply walking would turn up a hoard of 19C discarded artifacts. Right in the pathway! I started to look for these objects when I was near a village or manor house and was rarely disappointed. Linda and Steve would be marching on while I'm digging in the hard, packed dirt. 

Blue Willow was the paper plate of the 1800's. If one broke they tossed it out into the trash pile, which was usually the toilet or kitchen garden. Pipes too were tossed when they reached the bowl and were too short to smoke without burning your muttonchops.  These throwaway items got washed into gardens and down slopes, constantly turning up like our plastic bottle caps. I don't think anyone wants to collect our plastic bottle caps. 
We should start throwing our broken plates into the woods. 

At least this trip I didn't buy any shoes. 

From the left: a penny I havent cleaned, a decorated brick roof edge, bits of Blue Willow, falcon and pheasant feathers, more Willow, a bone, a clay pipe bowl and a bit of a stem, various English and Dutch pottery

Close Ups of the Same Stuff

This Blue Willow is Very Pretty Showing Flying Swallows

Teal and Cream With the Word "Royal "


Sweet, Maybe Dutch of a Maid Wearing a Hat and Some Men in Suits - H'mmmm...

Red Squirrel Mug, Horse Chestnuts, English Oak Acorn, Rose Hips, Grass and an Apple.
Yeah I know..... 

A Hefty Container of Hotel Amenities, a Lavender Sachet Bag, a Potpourri Jug and Lavender Hand Cream. Who Can Resist? 

A William Morris Needlepoint, My Favorite Illustrator Matthew Rice's 2014 Calendar, Excellent Jars From the Yogurt at the Hotel, a William Morris Bell Pull .
We ALL Need a Bell Pull! 

....And Maps.... Do You Have Any Idea How Much 12 Maps Weigh? 

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